
If you ask me what I like to read, I enjoy reading contemporary fiction, self-help, motivational, biographies, and autobiographies. Hailing from an advertising and digital marketing background, I run my eyes over business, leadership, management, finance, advertising, and leadership quality books. Management and finance-related books are beneficial for developing the ever growing entrepreneur in me.

Reading is one of the most rewarding forms of entertainment, and if you don’t have this good habit, you can start today! Keep your smart phones away for a few hours a day and invest your time in productive reading. Books are uniquely portable magic as rightly said by author Stephen King. Let us celebrate reading, Check out my book list here:-

Name of the book

Name of the Author


Paulo Coelho

Contemporary Fiction

Napoleon Hill


Richard Branson

Business / Autobiography

Peter Thiel & Blake Masters


Rhonda Byrne


Dr Spencer Johnson


Robert T. Kiyosaki

Finance Classic

Suhel Seth


Edward de Bono


Nikhil Inamdar

Finance & Business

Gerald Michaelson & Steven Michaelson

Marketing &  Advertising

Ken Blanchard

Business / Leadership/ Management

Robin Sharma


Ray Dalio

Life and Management Lessons